Las Cruces, New Mexico
It’s really sad when you have to read newspapers and web sites in the Middle East to find out what is happening in the United States. For instance, al-Jazeera was about the only site outside of Israel to report that General Yoav Gallan, war criminal Ariel Sharon’s “military advisor” (that is, he tells Arik the Butcher the best way to kill Palestinians and other Arabs), “has reportedly handed Bush documents and aerial photos of Iranian nuclear installations during the Israeli prime minister’s Monday meeting with the U.S. President George W. Bush, Israeli public radio reported on Tuesday.”
In short, the Israelis have devised a few fake photos to lay on Bush since Iran does not actually have “nuclear installations,” as the International Atomic Energy Agency reported late last year. Israel wants the United States to bomb the daylights out of Iran, a possibility that will grow more and more remote as time passes, a fact that really freaks out Sharon and his Jabotinskyite partners in international crime who want every Arab or Muslim nation in the Middle East bombed or at least cowed by the same sort of shock and awe Bush used against Iraq.
Gallan, who accompanied Sharon in his summit with Bush at his Texas ranch, presented the photos together with information the Israeli intelligence services gathered on the Islamic Republic’s nuclear programme, the Israeli radio added, without mentioning how the photos were taken. It just said that the images showed that the Iranian nuclear programme was at a “very advanced” stage.
It is amazing what you can do with computers these days — entire alternate universes can be ray traced into existence. No doubt Iranian nuclear programs can be likewise devised with a relatively inexpensive computer and a little bit of software. Scott McClellan, who usually does Bush’s talking for him, more or less admitted the above, although he did not give any details and the slavish corporate media did not ask for any.
Israeli defense officials asked Sharon to raise the option of military attack against Iran’s nuclear facilities during talks with President Bush. On the other hand, U.S. defense officials had so far refused Israeli entreaties to discuss the military option against Iran as a last resort if diplomatic pressure fail.
Here’s a novel idea… if the flipping Israelis are so hot to invade (or at minimum bomb) Iran, let them do it themselves. Of course they will not do this since there are around 66 million Iranians and about 6 million Israelis, including a couple hundred thousand rabid settlers in the West Bank, Gaza, and the land Israel filched from Syria. Better to get the stupid Americans to do it, although it appears the Pentagon is not exactly chomping at the bit to invade Iran considering the mess in Iraq. So here we have Sharon and his mass murder advisor presenting Bush the Dumber with photos, obviously contrived since nobody can find nukes in Iran except the Israelis and their Neocon buddies, who are, just like the Likudites, demonstrated and practiced liars and deceivers, well tutored in making up fake “intelligence,” as the Neocon lie factory, the Office of Special Plans, did in the lead up to mass murdering around 100,000 innocent Iraqis.
Israel has previously made clear it considers all options legitimate for preventing Tehran from acquiring a nuclear bomb. Analysts say that the Jewish state wouldn’t resort to force unless being supported by its chief ally the United States. Of course not — the Iranians would wipe them off the map. “We are not managing to get the Americans to talk about what will happen if the diplomatic efforts fail and Iran resumes enriching uranium, putting it on track to an atomic bomb.”
Seriously, this is a no-brainer — stop messing around with folks and maybe they will live and let live. Of course, Israel and the United States are unable to stop messing around with people, and such behavior is apparently pathologically ingrained — Iran remembers well the CIA overthrowing its democratically elected government and installing a brutal shah and his personal Gestapo, Savak — and this sort of nasty behavior is more than often not the reason small countries in the third world have a hankering to go nuclear, to ward off the neocon and neolib wolves, as the example of North Korea illustrates (notice how Bush and the Neocons are not saber-rattling much in North Korea’s general direction as of late). Naturally, according to the Likudites and their Neocon buddies, Muslims and Arabs have a genetic predisposition to kill Jews and if they are allowed to have even one measly Hiroshima-grade atom bomb they will immediately nuke Tel Aviv. It is a bullshit story, entirely racist and irrational, the sort of nonsense the Zionists have pedaled for decades in an effort to get their way, that is to say de-Palestinianize Palestine and demonstrate their mercilessness to the Arabs and Iranians. Moreover, when history is examined, the indisputable fact emerges that it is Israel, under the leadership of a number of rabid Zionist serial offenders such as Sharon and Begin, that is responsible for much of the trouble in the region, from starting a couple major wars to killing scads of otherwise peace-loving people and blaming it on the Arabs (viz., the Lavon affair and Mossad’s planting of a radio device in Libya, resulting in the U.S. bombing Libya, to name but two of a number of murderously deceptive events engineered by rabid and remarkably sociopathic Zionists). Hell, if I was Iranian with a neighbor like Israel I’d want a couple nukes of my own too, especially considering the Israelis have about 200 of them.
Although Israel has never publicly acknowledged that it maintains a nuclear arsenal, foreign experts assert it has between 100 and 200 nuclear warheads.
Big time double standards — but then most Israelis are white people and white people wouldn’t think about nuking other people… that is unless they are non-white, for instance, Japanese civilians. Obviously, Sharon visited Bush at his fake cowboy ranch in Texas for one reason and one reason only — to convince him to bomb the heck out of Iran, something Bush now seems reluctant to do considering the intractable situation in Iraq. Sharon is likely to have a tizzy and no doubt his options are slim to none in regard to Iran, a nation admittedly run by a clique of medieval mullahs not particularly liked by most Iranians. Of course, the average Iranian distrusts Israel and the United States even more and will support the mullahs if push comes to shove and the United States invades or does a number on their country with cruise missiles and other mass murder hardware, about the only industrial product America still manufactures. Is it possible somebody, somewhere, possibly a bit saner and not connected at the hip to the Neocons and their Israeli taskmasters, is whispering in Bush’s ear? If sanity — or a modicum of sanity — is to rule, we will find out by June, supposedly when the Iranian window closes, according to the Israelis. If Bush does not attack Iran by June, the odds the U.S. will attack at all will probably end up about as promising as a Saturday night spent at a blackjack table in Las Vegas.
KURT NIMMO is a photographer and multimedia developer in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Visit his excellent no holds barred blog at . Nimmo is a contributor to Cockburn and St. Clair’s, The Politics of Anti-Semitism. A collection of his essays for CounterPunch, Another Day in the Empire, is now available from Dandelion Books.
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