Up With Dylan Thomas: an Invitation


O Bailan Todos O No Baila Nadie
Either everyone dances or no one dances

I know about the mess, but maybe some of my readers don’t know about what might be…the joys of service. So help me…we will find some joys amidst this mess.

Fascinating that the “Dylan” piece generated hundreds of responses worldwide, hundreds more than anything I’ve ever written…in spite of the fact that it took less time to write than many other articles…by hundreds of minutes.

“Down with Dylan” has at least two meanings. Most people who embraced the obvious meaning exclusively turned out to know very little about Dylan Thomas. Another meaning is what is alluded to in the subject heading above…in the sense of “getting down with Dylan Thomas.”

Not only down on Bob Dylan –not disappointed– because of his unbearably arrogant/conceited self (insufferable meaning that) and other qualities*, but “up” respecting the Welshman.

*long-standing. It’s ironic that the guy who wrote “you gotta serve…” hasn’t appeared to be serving even himself very well for quite awhile.

On the Irish, two elements were sadly neglected in most email discussions. One, the reference to the 1916 Easter Rebellion was important. Two, the distinction between Behan’s stance and Bob Dylan’s was crucial.

And on those counts, I write to you in dreams of solidarity, with a serious focus.

I will probably be putting together a website (though we are inundated with huge #s) shortly.

The focus will be walktalk (as in writing which is meant to have legs in direct action). Please let me know:

a) what you’d like to see on such a site.


b) whether or not you’ve read my pieces on John Brown, John Pilger, John Malkovich, Iris Chang, Beckett and Brad Pitt and/or The Plan.

Blessings in solidarity,


P.S. Respecting The Plan, by the way, a careful reading will clarify that –for those who are disgusted with the status quo and our momentum– there are opportunities for many different kinds of people with different inclinations and different limitations…to act in supporting roles. I submit, however, that the time has come. Talktalk and certain forms of patience will not do. And I trust that no one will want to fool themselves…like Bob Dylan has.

“Art accomplished is…different than the artist wasted,” I told many of my readers. Just keep in mind that some actions with 100 of the right people can do more than ten million marching in circles and/or one genius making money. Let’s embrace…truly changing our lives.

Pass the word, please.

SPECIAL NOTE: I have a lot of hardcover, etc. freebies…simply for postage following the holidays…or before, heartbeats permitting. Forgive me if I miss anything in going back and forth; it’s the volume on this end. “Condensed” will help.

Just sent the following to a Dyl fan:

“Will send you something else soon, but wanted you to know that this business of a Dyl “free pass” based on…even the greatest lines in history…won’t cut the mustard. For the abominations we’re talking about…one is obligated to consider the impression/the direction he’s giving too many people. I do appreciate your feedback. And I would NOT want to have Dyl become “giving” Paul Newman…or be someone he’s not…. However, he needs to have his filthy spade called a filthy spade for reasons that have nothing to do with him or me personally.

Best, Oxie

P.S. Ultra cool uncommented on doesn’t cut it in the crematoria.”

RICHARD OXMAN, a former resident of the Seth Boyden Housing Project in Newark, New Jersey (and quite familiar with what good Bob Dylan did for Hurricaine Carter), can be reached at dueleft@yahoo.com. He now lives in Los Gatos, CA…where there are no housing projects, and where most people think the oddest things about the Song and Dance Man.



RICHARD OXMAN can be found these days reading Joe Bageant’s material in Los Gatos, California; contact can be made at dueleft@yahoo.com. The Ox’s never-before-revealed “biography” is available at http://news.modernwriters.org/Some of his recent writing can be found in his Arts & Entertainment section and Features (under Social) there.