The New Mongols

There is an old prophecy among the Iraqis that says that when the Khan was wounded, after he’d conquered Iraq, that as he went home to die that he would return some day to once again conquer Baghdad. The Iraqis remember this prophecy and they have sworn on the Qur’an that when he returned he might once again burn Baghdad as did Ibn Timur (Tamerlane) but that they would set fire to his camps wherever they found them until the Mongols had to go home again.

America was basically a true Christian leaning nation, America as far as the world was concerned followed Jesus’ dictum in the Beatitudes and in Matthew where Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers,” and things that relate to justice, peace and mercy. Somehow, Bush, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and Allawi have turned the American troops, most of whom were raised as God-fearing, decent, merciful Christians into Mongols. It’s as if they never read Jesus’ words, or that they forgot the New Testament, that they read the Old Testament or some Mongol book on warfare. Or America may have let the Mossad of Israel and the IDF teach American troops the Israeli/ Nazi SS style which has been used for years on the Palestinian civilian population.

There are strong parallels between what happened in Fallujah and what the Israelis did in Ramallah, Hebron and other Palestinian cities. The dictum was, “Destroy everything, kill anything that moves and terrorize them into submission.” This is exactly what our troops are doing in Iraq, just as their Israeli trainers told them to do. But, as with Palestine, in the short term it may work, but in the long term, you will have made enemies who will never forget and who will someday take their revenge.

Otherwise, why would our young men and women go into battle saying, “Let’s kill’em all,” and “Send their souls to hell,” and other such things when they gunned down women, children and Iraqi resistance fighters. Why would an American helicopter crew gun down women and children trying to escape Fallujah who were crossing a river in broad daylight. Why would one of our officers gun down wounded civilians in a mosque. We have no excuses except that somehow our troops have become dehumanized. I lay the blame at the U.S. leadership who had the gall and immoral judgement to bring in the Mossad and the Israeli IDF and to send commanders to Israel for further training in this brutal style of warfare not seen since the Mongols (but then again, perhaps we did see it in Viet Nam with Agent Orange and My Lai, etc. but not on this scale). Perhaps this is also why even in Israel there are more and more refuseniks, and in America over 30% of our troops are coming back with mental problems-because it’s in conflict with their Christian upbringing and for the refuseniks it’s in conflict with the moral aspects of Judaism.

There are hundreds of stories as of this past week from eye-witnesses, from photographers, from BBC correspondents, from NBC and from independent writers and people who escaped the blistering shelling and helicopter straffings who have spoken of women and children trying to escape the bombing who were gunned down by our troops, gunned down by helicopters as they were trying to cross a river, being blown to bits by tanks as they hid in their homes.

The question we must ask ourselves is, who made our troops into mongols on a killing spree? We must also ask, as I did over 2 years ago, what is going to happen “‘When the Killers Come Home”? We already have evidence from North Carolina and other bases that many of these men abused their wives on their return, others killed them, others are so mentally sick that they cannot return home. What happened to the Christian training our troops had. I think it has been corrupted by the un-Christian commanders who claim they are Christians, like General Boykin, Settle in Morocco, Bush in the White House and the Israeli influence on our military commanders. This also is related to the new batch of ministers that have been sent in by the military, most of whom are “born again Christians, ” who have somehow developed a hatred for Islam and an allegiance to Israel through their political indoctrination by such as Billy Graham, Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson.

A friend of mine, a Christian minister had asked the same questions when he visited Camp Pendleton, the big Marine base close to San Diego. I do not use his name or denomination for fear of what he called, “possible reprisals from the base command,” but he said that many hundreds of troops who came back from Iraq had either turned so cold that they refused to talk about Christ and mercy, and others broke down and cried about what they’d done to women and children. Many of them spoke of the commanders ordering them to terrorize everyone in Iraq in order to make victory short and sweet, that these Iraqis were “heathens,” and “sons and daughters of satan,” and that they were doing “God’s work.” Unfortunately, too few of our troops have had the courage to say, “NO.” Or the intelligence or religious training to know how to stand up to what was an obvious lie and distortion of the teachings of Jesus Christ.

It is time to call George Bush, Iyad Allawi, Rumsfeld, W, General Myers, General Abizaid before a civilian tribunal, made up of honest senators and citizens, to put a stop this new mongol horde, and if necessary put them up before a civilian judge or an international court to be tried for war crimes against civilians in iraq, especially in Fallujah, in Baghdad and in other cities where they have attacked civilian populations with undue force and then, as in fallujah, deprived them of medicines, water, food and a chance to safely escape.

My- Lai in VietNam pales beside the butchery our Mongol-like troops, on the ground and in the air, have performed against these civilians and even against the resistance fighters who were but defending their families, their homes, their city and their country. Wouldn’t we have done the same; wouldn’t we do the same, defend our families, our homes, our cities and our country?

It is time we all did something about this, for a start, send this article to your ministers, to your rabbis, to your friends and most of all to your senators and congressmen and to George W. Bush himself so that he may hopefully wake-up from the narcotic of war and return to the words of Jesus, “Mercy, ” and “Blessed are the peacemakers,” not those who make war or kill women and children.

This curse of the Mongols is on his head and ours if we don’t stop this-Bush has no mandate from God or man to order the killing on this scale (and yes, he is the man who pulls the strings on Allawi, to order this brutal and inhumane attack on Fallujah), everyone knows that unless they were born without a brain or a moral conscience.

As you are all aware, the world now sees us as butchers.
One German friend said it reminded him of Dresden; I agree. One British friend who has lived in London all his life said it reminded him of when Hitler would bomb and sent rockets into London in WWII. A friend who served in Viet Nam said he can no longer watch the news because it brings back memories of atrocities in Viet Nam. Muslims from all over the world have written me saying they cannot believe the Americans have allowed themselves to become so bestial-they now see America as in league with the devil.

Ironically, Khomeni could not get anyone to see America as “the great satan,” but it took George W. Bush and his minions only a few years to do exactly that, to show America is now the great satan in Muslim eyes.

We must all do what we can to turn our nation around. After all, as I pointed out, this election and the previous one did not give G.W. Bush a mandate to do these brutal things in the world. His pursuit of war and his bullying is going to backfire, but we must find legal ways to stop him spreading his bestiality further. Even now, the Russians have created a new nuclear device, the Chinese and Russians the Sunburn Missile and its successor that can destroy ships with one missile (so much for our vaunted carrier fleets)-the world is becoming aware that Bush’s voracious appetite for power may lead to a world war of devastating consequences. If we can stop his carnage and his illegal puppet government I Iraq, it will be a good start to righting the world.

It’s time we all pull together and become creative in ways to legally stop this mongol leader of ours; if not, then we shall be judged guilty along with him when the court calls us to justice either on the earth, or if you are a religious person, on the Day of Judgement before God.

Sam Hamod is an expert on the Middle East, a former advisor to the U.S. State Department on Middle East and Islam; he also edited, 3rd World News (in D.C.). He also edits . He is at