With the advent and passing of the 10th anniversary of the Rwandan Genocide of 1994, we have been subjected to a series of television programs portraying what happened as a grotesque orgy of African tribal bloodletting. Few mentioned the subject of Rwanda and the F***** word.
Many Rwandan genocide survivors have charged that members of the F***** word military accompanied the Hutu death squads in 1994. So many Rwandans, and outsiders, made similar charges that the Parliament of the F***** word was forced to hold an investigation into this matter. Upon completion of the investigation they duly proclaimed that they had no knowledge of how so much blood came to be upon the hands of the F***** words agents.
The spokespersons for the F***** words leaders pointed out that the 1994 genocide was not the first major crime in Rwanda and Burundi. One hundred thousand, two hundred thousand, maybe even three hundred thousand Rwandan and Burundians had been slaughtered in different massacres in the neo-colonialist period. The final verdict was the leaders of the F***** were not to blame, that the bloodshed in Africa was the fault of Africans.
The President of Rwanda, Paul Kagame, was himself a refugee from Hutu on Tutsi violence before 1994, and was the leader of the fighters who invaded Rwanda from Uganda in 1994 and put a stop to the ongoing genocide by chasing the Hutu killers out of Rwanda.
Paul Kagame recently said that in 1992 the leaders of the F***** word warned him that if he and his movement did not give up their quest to return to their homeland in Rwanda the F***** word would make sure they did not have any family to return to.
With these chilling words in mind, I leave you with the golden rule of African wars which is Show me the Money! There is almost always an exterior force deeply involved in, and funding, if not instigating, most of the most horrific crimes committed in Africa. Rwanda and the F***** is just one more example.
Thomas C. Mountain is a mamber of the Hawaii Black History Committee He can be reached at: tmountain@hawaii.rr.com