America’s Ayatollah, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, has borrowed liberally from the late Iranian Ayatollah Khomeini in ordering the Palestinian Authority’s diplomatic mission to be seized by American troops. On May 29, U.S. troops in Baghdad illegally entered the Palestinian mission, arrested and detained at a U.S. military compound the diplomatic staff, including the charge d’affaires, and stole diplomatic papers. U.S. troops, who behaved like common criminal gang members, even stole the mission’s food, water, security weapons, and Palestinian flags after ransacking the compound. It is a sad day when the U.S. troops emulate the Chinese Red Guards, who, in the late 1960s, showed similar disregard for foreign missions in Beijing during the Cultural Revolution. Thankfully, for China, those days are past. For the United States, however, it seems that such days are only beginning.
It does not matter to the Pentagon war criminals, but the Palestinian Authority is an internationally-recognized entity that not only enjoys official observer status at the United Nations and its specialized agencies but maintains diplomatic relations with over 100 nations, including the United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Australia, and Japan. The Palestinian Authority also maintains a diplomatic mission in Washington, DC headed up by a full ambassador. However, noting the treatment by the Bush regime of the diplomats assigned to the Cuban Interests Section at the Swiss Embassy in Washington and the Palestinian Mission in Baghdad, the security of many embassies and missions in Washington and New York is now in doubt. Given the disregard by the Bush regime for the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, the French, Canadian, Mexican, Russian, Belgian, German and other embassies in Washington and New York should increase their own security and obtain, via secure diplomatic pouch, the weapons and equipment necessary to fend off any American paramilitary attack in enough time to at least destroy classified material, including codes and ciphers.
It is so fitting that the Pentagon neo-cons (I’m sorry, some well-meaning conservatives have criticized me for using that term, let’s just call them Nazis, because that is the philosophy that these civilian chicken hawks imbue and promote) are now calling for the U.S. war machine to arm Iran’s leftist Mujaheddin e Khalq (after a name change and political makeover) and overthrow the government of Iran. The Pentagon Nazis have no moral ground to attack Iran. Some of them claim that such an intervention is payback for the Iranian mullah’s seizure of the U.S. Embassy in Teheran in 1979. How can they even talk about embassy seizures when they orchestrated a similar seizure of the Palestinian diplomatic mission in Baghdad? Furthermore, the present Iranian government of President Mohammed Khatami is moderate and in no way represents the same policies of the old Khomeini regime. It’s apples and oranges, but then again, so were Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda. The Pentagon Nazis continue to apply their Big Lie t alents garnered from the late neo-Nazi philosopher Leo Strauss.
Colin Powell, who is acting just like the type of antebellum Southern plantation servant described by singer Harry Belafonte, will not put his foot down and prevent the Pentagon Nazis from disrupting U.S. foreign policy. Powell has had enough chances to redeem himself, but he always chooses to remain sheepishly silent in the face of the bellicosity from the Pentagon. What the Pentagon Nazis have done, in effect, is to now place every U.S. diplomat and diplomatic compound around the world in danger of retaliation. By occupying a foreign diplomatic mission in Baghdad and seizing its staff, the Pentagon Nazis are flagrantly violating the Vienna Convention, not that international treaties and conventions means anything to the illegal gang that has seized power in Washington.
The day after the burglarizing of the Palestinian mission, Powell’s watchers and handlers within the State Department attempted to explain the actions by stating that no diplomatic mission in Iraq is accredited until the United States installs a puppet regime. That means that U.S. troops are apparently now free to rummage through foreign embassies in the same manner they rummaged and pillaged private homes, government ministries, museums, and libraries in Baghdad and other cities.
But when the United States tried to seat a representative of its rump Baghdad regime at an OPEC meeting in Doha, Qatar, the international oil cartel rebuffed the attempt, claiming that the person the U.S. selected to head Iraq’s oil ministry did not represent a sovereign internationally-recognized state. And who forced the issue against the United States? Our “Coalition of the Willing” allies, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.
The world can ill afford to live with a rogue superpower like the United States constantly ignoring international standards and norms of behavior. There have been some recent electoral successes that suggest the political pendulum around the world is swinging back to some semblance of normalcy. Bush’s “Coalition of the Willing” allies, the neo-fascist Prime Ministers of Italy and Spain, suffered significant defeats in recent local and regional elections in their countries. The Socialist parties in both countries scored some important gains. It must have been a bit unsettling for the Pentagon’s leading Nazis, Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, and Richard Perle (who remains a member of Rumsfeld’s Defense Policy Board), to have attended the recent secret Bilderberg meeting at the Trianon Palace in Versailles. The Versailles royal complex was where French revolutionaries arrested King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette before transporting them to a Paris prison where they were eventually executed for their crimes against the French people.
The International Criminal Court in The Hague is now in full operation and its staff is busy collecting evidence against international war criminals. With more and more facts emerging about how the United States and its coalition of the willing accomplices lied about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, Saddam Hussein’s links to Al Qaeda, and U.S. military attacks on foreign journalists and civilians in Iraq, there are a number of international criminal prosecutors who would dearly love to get their hands on Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Perle, Doug Feith, Abram Shulsky, and the other Pentagon Nazis and their cohorts in other government agencies. And with General Tommy Franks announcing his retirement (a surprise considering he was offered the Army Chief of Staff and Joint Chiefs Chair jobs), international prosecutors might have a major ace-in-the-hole witness.
If Franks; the routinely abused and outgoing Army Chief of Staff, General Eric Shinseki; his deputy, General John Keane, who decided to turn down Rumsfeld’s offer of becoming Army Chief of Staff because he can’t stand him; the fired Army Secretary and former Enron executive, retired General Tom White, who had it out repeatedly with Rumsfeld; and other American flag rank officers decide to talk to international prosecutors, there may be dark days ahead for the Pentagon Nazis and even their protectors in the White House: our Johnny-one-note President and his corrupt string pullers, Dick Cheney and Karl Rove. In any event, the unformed military and career civil service employees within the Pentagon have had a very tough going. They should not hesitate to see their corrupt and criminal bosses eventually brought to justice in The Hague.
The Central Intelligence Agency might also be in a position to provide international prosecutors with evidence from their ongoing investigation of whether the Pentagon cooked the books on intelligence about Iraq to justify an illegal war. Attention is focusing on Rumsfeld’s Office of Special Plans, a Rumsfeld creation that is rife with Pentagon Nazis, as the primary culprit behind the intelligence disinformation and misinformation.
A note for the Pentagon Nazis: you might want to brush up on your Serbo-Croatian. Those winters in The Hague can be quite cold, long, and unremarkable. It would be nice if you were able to converse with some of your fellow detainees from the former Yugoslavia in their native tongue. After all, in comparing notes about war crimes, certain details might become lost in the translation.
WAYNE MADSEN is a Washington, DC-based investigative journalist and columnist. He wrote the introduction to Forbidden Truth. He is the co-author, with John Stanton, of the forthcoming book, “America’s Nightmare: The Presidency of George Bush II.”
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