Many will have us believe that this is a “Christian” nation. They fill us with hype and propaganda about “Christian” values, family values. Let’s examine these precepts. Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God to many Americans (including yours truly), taught radical (for those times, and these) ideals. Things like: “the Lord said ‘vengeance is mine”, love your enemies, easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to go to heaven, give up all your possessions and follow me, forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors, you who are without sin cast the first stone, no man can serve two masters, he who humbles himself is exalted and he who exalts himself is humbled”… and on and on.
How many of us actually follow those precepts in our daily lives? Interesting, because I believe many working Americans actually do. It is our leaders (today’s Pharisees) and industry “elites” who sadly do not. Since every nation is judged by its leaders, its rulers, lets examine this Iraq “showdown”. Our President, who said Jesus was his role model, sees Iraq as simply “Saddam”, as if the millions there have no soul, no meaning. Furthermore, Bush plans to contradict his role model’s Christian teaching by advocating a “preemptive strike” against an entire nation.
Now look at the other “leaders” this country has. The “elites” who hold over 85% of our nation’s wealth and make up less than 1% of our population. Should I state that again? 1% of Americans control over 85% of its wealth. When will the vast majority of the 99% realize what is occurring? The “elites” are the reason we do not have proper education, affordable housing , health coverage for all, real mass transit, and last but not least, jobs that pay enough to support a family of four. We 99% fight amongst ourselves over that 15% left on the table! If we had real compassionate leaders in government, and not just puppets for the 1%, we would see fairer taxation.
If we could send “Statesman” to Washington, rather than the herd that now runs with the myriad of lobbyists, we would return to 1940 tax standards. Why 1940? Well, it seems they had a formula that fits well with today’s current situation. In 1940, the top bracket for individual federal taxes was 81.1%, but…. that was for incomes in excess of 5 million dollars. Methinks that rate would fit just fine and dandy today in 2002. Think of all the revenue this nation would take in with that top bracket rate? Think of all the things I aforementioned that would be available to working Americans. Why, we would have the same health care, the same schools and teachers that our rich neighbors have. Perhaps these super rich would thank this new progressive movement for bringing them “closer to Christ” once again. Wouldn’t that help them sleep sounder each and every night? After all, they tell us (through the media they own and the politicians they buy) that this is a Christian Nation.
Do they deserve anything less? Do we?
Philip A Farruggio is a baby boomer Brooklyn NY born bred and educated (Brooklyn College ’74), Currently, he resides in Florida and is self employed as a mfg. rep for an environmental bacteria company. He can be reached at