More of the same from the land without people. The October 22 HA’ARETZ reports that “Infrastructure Minister Effie Eitam, head of the far-right National Religious Party, on Tuesday ordered the Water Commissioner to stop all drilling for water by Palestinians in the West Bank, as well as a freeze on the issue of permits for future drillings.” Way to go, Effie! You seem to grasp what some in the world community don’t; namely, that the construction and usage of wells is tantamount to terror. When those Palestinians demand hydration, what they’re really saying is that they hate freedom.
Indeed, Herr Eitam, you understand a central fact of defending democracies. You understand that the Palestinian Authority’s failure to build water treatment facilities is tantamount to a “water intifada.” Assuming the PA erected said facilities, one can’t imagine a circumstance in which Israeli pilots would bomb said facilities from warplanes provided by the US government. One can’t imagine a circumstance in which some Sharon lackey would come forth and allege, in the gravest imaginable tones, that those water treatment facilities are really breeding grounds for suicide bombers. Or, better still, that those facilities are in fact being used to pollute the Israeli water supply. Holy water, really, given that it belongs to the UN mandated Chosen People. Looked at in that context, one can see the Palestinians as they really are.
The Palestinians are nothing more than common water thieves, jacking the fluid of life from those newly-minted Jews from Lima, from those imports from Brooklyn, from all of those poor bastards sold a bill of goods to come over and settle an allegedly unoccupied swath of land. In HA’ARETZ’s words, “Eitam said that some 250 unauthorized water drillings for agricultural purposes were reported this year in Palestinian-controlled areas of the West Bank. He added that every day reveals new illegal connections to water pipes, used by Palestinians to irrigate their land, which prevents the water from reaching Jewish settlements.” Illegal connections! Why, the Palestinians are just like those folks in the US who steal cable television! Stop them or they’ll water their crops!
It speaks volumes about those who serve in the US government that they are so willing to subsidize the state of Israel. Time and time again, folks with more credibility than I have compare Israel to South Africa at the height of Apartheid, or to Germany in the 1930s, and there is very little offered in the way of counterargument beyond “Israel has a right to defend itself.” But even in American educational institutions, it is still possible to learn that history rarely regards measures of ethnic cleansing as defensive measures. Until we find a way to impart that historical knowledge to those thugs and miscreants in Congress, the elimination of the Palestinian people will proceed apace, prodded along by a thousand measures similar to the no-drilling rule, all designed to deny the Palestinians the barest necessities of life. ANTHONY GANCARSKI’s CONCERNED CITIZEN is currently being serialized on Counterpunch “