Dear Junior

Dear Junior

Well, I must say that you should thank me, and you owe me one. I was one of those responsible for your election in 2000. I’m a Floridian who did not vote for you, but helped you win all the more. That’s right Junior, I voted for Nader (and would again). If he were President now, I trust you know (deep inside you must) that we would not be in the mess we now face.


Well, first off, there would be no “Bush Doctrine” of putting our noses all over the world (and our troops and assorted military hardware). Now I would have thought you of all people, Junior, would have remembered that from “Nam”. You remember “Nam”, don’t you? That was during the late 60s when I withdrew behind my student deferment because like Muhamed Ali “I got nothin against those Viet Cong”, while you publically supported the war.

Matter of fact, while Navy pilot (now Sen.) McCain was being held prisoner in Vietnam, you, Junio,r were protecting Texas from any Viet Cong air attacks (guess you forgot they had no air force).

Fast forward 35 years, and you now plan to send tens of thousands of our working class kids to risk death in Iraq, while our weaponry destroys an equal (if not greater) number of civilians there. I guess you forgot about all the “evil regimes” this country has and does support all over the globe. Junior, did you ever think that by “taking out Iraq” ( a sovereign nation by the way), what you officially declare our Republic to be? I wonder if you had boys and not girls, Junior, if they would be sent to the deserts to “defend America and the world from tyranny”? Or would they too be flying over Texas defending the skies?

Now, since you owe me Junior as much as all those “Kenny Boys” out there who financed your runs for office, let’s talk turkey (and Iraq). Old Kenny boy and the others got access to the White House ear and who knows what other favors. Here’s what I need to have done:

A) call off this obvious unconstitutional plan involving Iraq. While you’re doing that, begin dismantling some of our myriads of military bases worldwide.

B) cut the defense budget and funnel the monies saved into strong, as you call it (I hate the word) “Homeland” defense. Really protect our ports, our airports, rail systems etc from terrorism.Tell your friends at the “war industries” to begin converting their equipment that builds “weapons of mass destruction” into other more peaceful and useful products.

C) Push Congress to pass “Clean Election Laws” so as to take all private money out of political campaigns. Urge states to do the same. Pressure Congress to pass tough laws restricting the use of lobbyists, who only prostitute our Legislative system.

D) Pressure Congress to give all Americans the same health coverage you all now enjoy. Junior, it’s called “Universal Medicare”, and everyone (including you in gov’t who get the free ride) contributes according to income.

E) Take some of the savings from the defense cuts and lesser military presence, and use it to fix and build more and better schools,and pay teachers, fire and police personnel fairer wages. Make our U.S. rail system on par with Europe and Japan, thus saving Americans billions of dollars in gasoline use, plus lowering pollution levels.( sorry, I must have struck a nerve there Junior- forgot about the oil industry and your family).

I could go on, but you get my drift Well, hope you consider my needs as much as you did the “fat cats” who financed you. Remember Junior, if it wasn’t for me, I’d be writing “President Gore” now.



PHILIP FARRUGGIO, son of a longshoreman, is “Blue Collar Brooklyn” born, raised and educated (Brooklyn College, Class of ’74). A former progressive talk show host, Philip runs a mfg. rep. business and writes for many publications. He lives in Port Orange, FL. You can contact Mr. Farruggio at e-mail:


Philip Farruggio, son of a longshoreman, is “Blue Collar Brooklyn” born, raised and educated (Brooklyn College, Class of ’74). A former progressive talk show host, Philip runs a mfg. rep. business and writes for many publications. He lives in Port Orange, FL. You can contact Mr. Farruggio at e-mail: