As CounterPunch has been predicting, sensible Republicans know well that any onslaught on ANWR will cost them long-term public support. As CounterPunch has also predicted, the Labor/enviro alliance melts speedily to slush in the face of prospective jobs for organized labor. As evidence, we present the following:
“Bush should abandon his ANWR drilling plan, which may produce only a negligible amount of oil anyway, and persue photo-ops with caribou.”
National Review, August 17, 2001
“The Teamsters will tell Senate Majority leader Tom Daschle that organized labor deserves an up or down vote on proposed drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska without facing a Democratic sponsored filibustera powerful Democrat in favor of ANWR exploration is veteran senator Daniel Inoyue of Hawaii.”
Robert Novak, Chicago Sun-Times, August 21, 2001