Linh Dinh

Linh Dinh is the author of two books of stories, five of poems, and a novel, Love Like Hate. He’s tracking our deteriorating socialscape through his frequently updated photo blog, State of the Union.

The Whims of an Empire Gone Mad

Hijacking Somalia

Slouching Towards 2012

Christmas Gifts for a Collapsing America

Endless Needless Deaths

Sharing the Turkey

Banks, Pentagon and Academic Pusilanimousness

A Gathering of the Tribes

Resurrection Cities

The Beginning is Near

Surrounding the Bull

Letter From a Banker

Big Brother and the Banksters

Wall Street vs. Everybody

The Constant Mind Rape

Looting Frenzies

Shop and Shoot America

Love Like Hate

Ubasuteyama, USA

Poor Richard’s Rise

Mugged Then Shot

Sentimental Mass Murderer

Fig Leaf Nation

Bin Laden the Vindicator

Who Would You Flush?

The Wisdom of Snooki

Heart Warming Massacres

Winding Down Obama

Powering Down

Driving Mad

Channel Surfing the Revolution

Exporting the Super Bowl

Burning Truth

Inside the Charnel House

Martial Cosplay and More

Welcome to the Collapse

Lawless Police State

Bloody Trophies


Power Grabs at the Airport

Revolution Number 10

War Games

Prone Pioneers

Welcome to the Recovery

Kill Them

Wordless Masses

House Slave Syndrome

Rotting Fish


Head Fakes