Laura Flanders

Laura Flanders interviews forward-thinking people about the key questions of our time on The Laura Flanders Show, a nationally syndicated radio and television program also available as a podcast. A contributing writer to The Nation, Flanders is also the author of six books, including The New York Times best-seller, BUSHWOMEN: Tales of a Cynical Species.  She is the recipient of a 2019 Izzy Award for excellence in independent journalism, the Pat Mitchell Lifetime Achievement Award for advancing women’s and girls’ visibility in media and a 2020 Lannan Cultural Freedom Fellowship for her reporting and advocacy for public media.

Vermont Closer to Single-Payer Health Care

The Blacklisting of Tony Kushner

Global Misers

No Future to Win

The Party of Compromise

Operation Desert Sky

When is It Time for a General Strike?

The Fee Gougers

The National Costs of Crushing Workers in Wisconsin

What We Still Haven’t Learned About Rape

The Culture War on Jobs

Setting the Story Straight on "Snowdown"

No Words for Egypt, Mr. President?

Cutting Taxes is Killing the Economy

The Violence of the Broken Economy

Three 9-Year Olds–RIP

Constitutional Lessons for the New Congress

What We Mean When We Talk About States’ Rights

Ask, Tell, Don’t Kill

Forgetting Bradley Manning

Lessons From Elizabeth Warren

Is the Drug War a Class War?

Running for the Exits

A Global War on Flooding?

Charity or Philanthro-Fuedalism?

Recovery for the Rich

Who Has Shirley Sherrod’s Back?

Do Ask, Don’t Tell

Who Fights and Why

The Iron Lady Meets the Pitbull in Lipstick

Bubba Goes Home

Being Poor in a Sinking America

DeBush, Debar, and Debunk

On the Backs of Women

Something’s Gotta Give

Why are Voters So Mad?

Catastrophes Every Day for Profit

Is the SEC Up to the Job?

Tax Grousing

Shaky Foundations for the Economy

California Scheming

How Bias at the NYT Helped Kill ACORN

What I Learned From the Health Care Debate

The Femivore’s Dilemma

Credit Where Due, Mr. Geithner

Why Labor’s Mad at Obama

Challenging "High Road" Contracting

The Discreet Unveiling of a Covert War

Dubai’s Tower of Debt

All-Too-Familiar Line on Afghanistan