James Bovard

James Bovard is the author of Attention Deficit Democracy, The Bush Betrayal, and Terrorism and Tyranny. His latest book is Last Rights: the Death of American Liberty. Bovard is on the USA Today Board of Contributors. He is on Twitter at @jimbovard. His website is at www.jimbovard.com

9/11 and the American Orwellian Nightmare

America’s Forgotten Bullshit Bombing of Serbia

Washington’s Biggest Fairy Tale: “Truth Will Out”

35th Anniversary of Biggest Pre-9/11 U.S. Antiterrorism Debacle

Groped at the Airport: Congress Must End TSA’s Sexual Assaults on Women

Government Immunity Kills, Ravages and Skewers

Pro-War Media Deserve Slamming, Not Sainthood

Your Tax Dollars Bankroll Afghan Child-Molesters

“Torturing Jim” Comey is No Martin Luther

FBI Lies and Cover-Up Derail Biggest Terrorism Case Since 9/11

The FBI’s Guilt By Musical Association

Why Ruby Ridge Still Matters

Homeland Security’s Multibillion Dollar Comedy Show

The FBI’s Forgotten Criminal History

Busted in Barcelona (Almost)

World War I Continues to Haunt America

My Antiwar Awakening From a Boozing Baltimore Vet

Will Trump Cure Boy Scouts’ Subservience?

Obama’s AWOL Anti-War Protesters

Don’t Trust White House on Syria, Redux

Peanuts Prove Congress is Incorrigible

Trump’s Fearmongering is a Tawdry Presidential Tradition

Trump Must Expose Obama’s Abuses of Power

My Pratfall at Environmental Purity Theater

Obama’s Biggest Corruption Charade

TSA’s Punitive Gitmo-style Groin Grinding

Obama Speech Ignored His Death Toll at Home and Abroad

TSA Bombs the Holidays

The Mandatory Voting Panacea

My Dunkin’ Donuts Cops Adventure

Will “Vagina Voters” Devour Democracy?

Eric Holder, Patron Saint of Killer Cops

America’s Fatal Freedom Apathy

Obama’s Sordid Record on Censorship and Secrecy

America’s Cluster Bomb Congress

Obama’s Hypocritical Crusade Against Extremism

Bill Clinton’s Most Abominable Freedom Fighters Uncloaked

Obama Aid Ravages Third World Farmers

Happy Custer Massacre Day!

The Medals of Freedom vs. America’s Freedom

Is There No Cure for the IRS’s Perpetual Political Outrages?

Where’s the Body Count from Shootings by the Police?

How Drug Courier Profiles Begot Terrorism Watch Lists

My Supreme Court Fashion Felony

Dying to Corrupt Afghanistan

Idolizing Absolute Power

America’s Know-Nothing Policymakers

Why Tea Partiers Should Despise George W. Bush

Peter Hoekstra and the CIA

Why Bill of Rights Days Should be Anti-Politician Day