Mark Schuller

Mark Schuller is Associate Professor of Anthropology and Nonprofit and NGO Studies at Northern Illinois University and affiliate at the Faculté d’Ethnologie, l’Université d’État d’Haïti. He is the author or co-editor of seven books, including Humanitarian Aftershocks in Haiti. Schuller is co-director / co-producer of documentary Poto Mitan: Haitian Women, Pillars of the Global Economy (2009), and active in several solidarity efforts.

The Foreign Roots of Haiti’s “Constitutional Crisis”

Unmasking Racial Terror and Seeing Whiteness

Where is the Reporting on PetroCaribe?

Haiti’s Latest Indignity at the Hands of Dogooders, Oxfam’s Sex Scandal

One Year On, Reflecting and Refining Tactics to Take Our Country Back

What is a “Shithole Country” and Why is Trump So Obsessed With Haiti?

As Trump Visits Puerto Rico, Let’s Remember (and Apply) the Real Lessons From Haiti

Chronicling a Forgotten Disaster: Hurricane Matthew, 10 Months Later

Undocumented Youth Seek Solidarity and Sanctuary

So What am I Doing Here? Reflections on the Inauguration Day Protests

Rebuilding Haiti, One Commune at a Time

Hurricane Matthew in Haiti: Looking Beyond the Disaster Narrative

“People’s Tribunal” Launched in Haiti to Commemorate 101 Years of U.S. Occupation

Tough Questions About Haiti for Hillary Clinton

Humanitarian Aftershocks in Haiti

Humanitarian Occupation of Haiti: 100 Years and Counting

Île à Vache Haiti “Open for Business”

Where Do Your Chocolate Hearts Come From?

Haiti: Too Sweet, Too Bitter

The Pretense of Doing Good (While Raising Millions)

What Wyclef Exposed

The Global Food Crisis

Sweeping Haiti’s 400,000 Poor Back Under the Rug

Chaos and Cholera

Haitian People Want UN Troops to Leave

Smoke and Mirrors in Haiti

The Shell Game of Haiti’s Reconstruction

Unstable Foundations

Is Haiti Falling Through the Cracks?

Opportunities in Haiti are Washing Away

Haiti’s Resurrection

Tectonic Shifts?

Fault Lines

Passing the "Riot Test" in Haiti

Uncertain Ground

Haiti’s Elections