Mel Gurtov

Mel Gurtov is Professor Emeritus of Political Science at Portland State University, Editor-in-Chief of Asian Perspective, an international affairs quarterly and blogs at In the Human Interest.

North Korea is Back on the US Agenda

The US-China Dialogue of the Deaf in Alaska

Repression in Myanmar

Biden’s Opportunity with China

United We Fail

A Progressive Agenda for Biden’s Foreign Policy

The Gang Leader Speaks

Biden and the World: A Deeper Look at His Foreign Affairs Team

Biden and the World: A First Look at His Foreign Affairs Team

Restoring Democracy, Strengthening the Right to Vote

Trump’s Game

In Defense of Confucius Institutes

Our Deranged President

Trump Unmasked

Defeating a Demagogue: A Reminder from History

Trump’s China Diversion

The Israel-UAE Agreement: Good for a Few, Bad for Most

The World Bank’s Poverty Illusion

For Trump, It’s Mission Accomplished

The Coming New World Disorder

AWOL: Trump’s Disappearing Leadership

Trump’s Cure and Our Disease

Derelict Leadership on Health Security

Nukes: The unmentionable Election Issue: Getting to Zero

Nukes: The Unmentionable Election Issue

Embarrassing Moments from Trump’s Visit to India

Poor Bill Barr

Donald Trump’s Fantasy World

India’s Failed Democracy

Thanks to Trump, Iran has the Upper Hand

The Democrats’ Scarlet Letter Strategy

When it Comes to Corporate Taxes, it’s Always Christmas

The Afghanistan Pentagon Papers

Hong Kong, Xinjiang, and the Insecurity of China’s Leadership

Getting Rid of Treacherous Friends

From President to Autocrat

Will Trump Leave Quietly?

Overreach, the Achilles Heel of Autocrats

Listen to the Children

No War for Saudi Oil!

Farewell, John Bolton

Trump and the Climate Crisis–a Crime Against Humanity

China’s Hong Kong Nightmare, and the US Response

Our Racist President

The US-China Trade War: A Cease-Fire, Nothing More

Trump-Kim III: Making History Without Making Progress?

Iran—Who and Where is The Threat?

Impeach Trump

Why the Trade War with China is So Dangerous

Another Fake “Emergency”