July 2015

What is a President? The CEO of Capitalism

Working Class War Fodder

The Politics of Coercion in Greece

Mekons Tour Diary, Episode Three, Where We Thrill Everyone by Playing Like “Utter Bloody Garbage”

Adjunct Professors and Worker’s Rights

Without BDS, Palestine is Alone

Cleveland Police Attack Black Activists

On Berniebots and Hillary Hacks, Dean Screams, Swiftboating and Smears

Only Iraq’s Clerics Can Defeat ISIS

American Imperialism’s Military Chaplains

The Challenge to Labour and Tory Extremism

Lynn’s Story: an Irish Woman in Search of an Abortion

The Increasing Burden of Diabetes in China

The Trump Surge and the American Psyche

Something About Carly: Fiorina and the Professional Political Class

Israel and “Self-Defense”

America’s New Brutalism: the Death of Sandra Bland

Surviving Together: Canadian Public Tradition Under Threat

America’s Purple Politics

US Targets Venezuela Using Border Dispute as Pretext

Education: Time for a New Purpose

Armed Insecurity

Finding Aliens: SETI, Talking Lions and Wittgenstein

George Clooney Paid by War Profiteers

Five Inconvenient Truths About Hillary Clinton

We May Have Already Committed Ourselves to 6-Meter Sea-Level Rise

They Say Paraguay is in Africa: Mosaic of Horror

Obama in Kenya: Will He Cater to the Barons or the People?

A Reflection on Pope Francis’ Clarion Call to #sharetheplanet

Deleting Crimes at the New York Times: Airbrushing History at the Paper of Record

Sheldon’s Stooges: Netanyahu and the King of Vegas

The USA as a Failed State: Ta-Nehisi Coates’s “Between the World and Me”

Redemption and Responsibility in Henry Roth’s “Mercy of a Rude Stream”

Greece: Political Football of World Politics

The Democratic Party and Company Unions

After the Iran Deal: Israel is Down But Far From Out

The Female Power of Danish Noir

The Eurasian Big Bang: How China and Russia Are Running Rings Around Washington

Tale of the Eloquent Agriculturalist: Lament for Sandra Bland

Harper is Finally Right: the Canadian Election is About Security Versus Risk

Republicans Have Another “Willie Horton” Moment

The American Nightmare: the Tyranny of the Criminal Justice System

Meet General Joseph Dunford: a Real Threat to World Peace

Decentering Whiteness in the Wake of a North Carolina Tragedy

Capitalism, Engineered Dependencies and the Eurozone

Colombia: Between an Electoral Peace and the Return of Fear

Black Days: August 4th,1914 Germany and July 13th, 2015 Greece

Rupture With the EU: a Return to the Cave Age or a New Golden Age for Greece?

Making Sense of the Iran Nuclear Deal: Geopolitical Implications

Star Whores: John McCain, the Apache and the Battle to Save Mt. Graham