December 2012

The Mysterious New Housing Bubble

Misdiagnosing the Culture of Violence

Violence and the American Mind

Arrest All Torturers

Fuck You, America

Sandy Hook and What Counts As Catastrophe

Are the NRA’s Horse-Head-in-the-Bed Days Over?

The Fiscal Cliff is a Diversion

Understanding Hamas at 25

Behind the Connecticut Massacre

Connection to the Land Cannot Not Be Broken

Nike Blackmails Oregon

Obama’s War on Syria and its Implications

Understanding Hamas at 25

Yes to Gun Control…Especially in the US Military

Descent Into Holy War

America’s Teachers: Heroes or Greedy Bastards?

Feigning Panic at the Cliff Edge

America’s Addiction to Violence

Some Observations on the Gun Control Debate

Zombified America

Remember All the Children, Mr. President

NRA: No Rational Answer

The Mystery of Syria’s Missing Spokesman

Exporting Arms to Questionable Regimes

What Did Doha Do?

Ideological Masturbation

American Power in Terminal Decline

The Stoning of Oliver Stone

The Heart of Darkness in Zero-Dark-Thirty

Ripe for Reduction

Killing for Stuff

The World Bank and Higher Education in Kazakhstan

The Future of International Law and Human Rights

Observations on Work

City on a Hill, Slum in the Valley

Get Thee to a Nunnery!

Peace is Possible in Afghanistan

The Winter That Wasn’t

A Bachian Christmas

Alaska Natives Take on Fossil Fuel Disinformation in Kivalina

Punk, Politics and the 1980s

The Achievements of Hugo Chavez

Medical Internationalism in Cuba

“This is Palestine. I Drew Her Bleeding.”

What the Beatles Missed About Ravi Shankar

Glimpses of Post-Chavez Venezuela

Graphic Stories Within Multi-stories

At the Muslim Brotherhood’s Sit-In

Monsanto Gets Its Way in Ag Bill